PPAA Webinar: Female Founders in Canadian Plant-Protein Innovation

Oct 14, 2020
PPAA Webinar: Female Founders in Canadian Plant-Protein Innovation

Grab a cup of coffee and come hear the stories of three outstanding female entrepreneurs in the Canadian prairies. We will learn about how they got started, what they learned along the way, and how the rapidly growing demand for plant proteins plays a role. Each of the three founders brings a unique journey and perspective to the discussion.

About our speakers:

1. Laura Incognito, Founder of Little Tucker based in Calgary, Alberta

2. Hailey Jefferies, Co-Founder of Prairie Fava based in Glenboro, Manitoba

3. Angela Oladiwura, Founder of Prester Foods based in Regina, Saskatoon


• Introduction (5 minutes)

• Presentation (30 minutes)

• Q&A (10 minutes)

• Closing (5 minutes)

• Breakout rooms with the presenters for deeper discussion and networking (10 minutes)

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