Newswire Terms & Conditions

Protein Report publishes press releases on behalf of companies and organizations, in accordance with our mission to advance public understanding of how protein is produced, distributed, and consumed.

To be eligible for publication, news announcements must meet the following criteria:

  • Present scientific, business, policy, or industry developments first released within the past 90 days.
  • Provide genuine news value. Submissions that are primarily promotional in nature may not be accepted.
  • Be written in a clear and concise manner, adhering to a standard press release format.

Right to Refuse

Protein Report reserves the absolute right, at its sole discretion, to refuse publication of any submitted content for any reason, without providing justification.

Submission Criteria

The following types of submissions are unlikely to be approved:

  • Are primarily promotional or offer little news value.
  • Are not clearly written or do not follow a standard press release format.
  • Promote misinformation or provide a misleading understanding of their subject matter.
  • Use polarizing language, terminology, rhetoric, or references.
  • Require significant revision.

Editing Rights

Protein Report reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity, accuracy, language, structure, style, and content, including but not limited to references, links, and any factual information, without requiring prior approval from the submitting organization.

Logo Usage and Licensing

By submitting content, the company/organization grants Protein Report a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use their logos, trademarks, and trade names for non-commercial purposes, including but not limited to promoting the content on the Protein Report website, social media platforms, mobile applications, and any associated promotional events.

Fraudulent Material and Plagiarism

Protein Report makes reasonable efforts to verify the authenticity of each published announcement, but assumes no liability for fraudulent material submitted by users. The submitting organization is solely responsible for ensuring that its content complies with applicable copyright and plagiarism laws. Should Protein Report discover that a submission contains plagiarized or infringing material, the offending organization will be permanently banned from the platform.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

Protein Report reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notice. Continued use of our services following such changes constitutes acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions.

User Liability and Indemnity

By submitting content, the organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Protein Report and its affiliates from any claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising from the publication or use of the submitted material.

Data and Privacy

Protein Report will handle any personal or company data submitted with press releases in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We do not share such data with third parties without permission, except as necessary to fulfill our services or comply with legal obligations.

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