Plant-Based Protein Americas Summit Concludes With Collective Call for Action on Protein Transition
October 1, 2021 - 3 min read

There’s a very clear call for the plant-based sector to come together in order to accelerate change for a healthy and sustainable future, delegates heard at the most recent Bridge2Food summit.
“Leaders from across the value chain are urgently calling for action towards the protein transition to plant-based foods if we are to make a difference for planetary health: it is about transformation, cross value-chain impact, and getting more decision-makers at the table,” says CEO Gerard Klein Essink.
In a panel about what is needed to make the transition to more plant-based foods and who is going to get us there, five senior leaders agreed innovative, integrated efforts will be required.
“We need to have people from around the world in the room,” said Sara Eckhouse, executive director of FoodShot during the discussion.
The need for greater collaboration is key for driving change all along the value chain and that theme was emphasized at virtually every session.
“Ecosystems are thriving and people are working collectively across geographical or other boundaries. The food industry is behind other sectors in learning to work collaboratively and strategically but that is changing — fast,” says Klein Essink.
Ecosystems are exciting right now as working together is what will help solve larger scale problems such as climate change, said Scott May, head of innovation platform MISTA in a panel discussion about how to build ecosystems.
“This is what is going to get us across the line in solving some of these big challenges,” said May.
People are demanding more information about how their food choices affect the environment.
“Consumers want to understand more about what they are buying from the sustainability standpoint, especially food products,” Steve Savell, directory of external affairs & sustainability with Bush Brothers, told a sustainability panel.
The key to providing eco-certified products is first good, reliable data that is useful to the food system and those projects are underway.
“We need the whole spectrum involved,” said Savell. “The idea is for us to come together and do it collectively.”
Over three days Sept. 27-29 about 400 delegates, 14 speakers, 27 panelists and 18 startups gathered virtually to look at ways to further advance the plant-based industry.
If you would like more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Barb Wilkinson
About Bridge2Food
Bridge2Food is an international platform company, based out of the Netherlands, with a mission to inspire industry and public organizations all along the agri-food value chain to collaborate to create innovative solutions for a healthier life and sustainable planet. Our networks and communities drive actions and result in successful outcomes. Look for our summits, courses, and ecosystem and moonshot projects.